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GEOG 676/392 GIS Programming

This class is an introduction to Python programming in general and an introduction to programming for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in particular. This project- and lab-oriented course covers the guiding principles behind programming syntax and data structures, and how to apply these techniques to the development of custom standalone GIS programs and the integration of these into commercial GIS platforms. 

GEOG 695 Frontiers in Geographic Information Science 

Investigates methodology and the latest development of technologies of Geographic Information Science; topics related to representations of space and time, geocomputation, spatial data mining, and CyberGIS.   


Internet architectures; setup, management and maintenance of web-based Geographic Information System (WebGIS) servers, data and services; use of WebGIS data an services in the creation of custom web-based maps; analysis of WebGIS system architecture, design and implementation.

GEOG 660 Application in GIS

Basic concepts of design, planning, and implementation of geographic information systems.

GEOG 665

GIS Modeling

This course covers how to address spatial and Spatio-temporal problems by employing Remote Sensing-based raster analysis and modeling. The emphasis will be on the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings, with practical reinforcement and extension through laboratory exercises and a project.

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